From Giggles to Goblins...

Louisa Swann, writer, novelist, and creator of all things fiction — well, almost all things. There are some places Louisa refuses to go.

As you will see, Louisa is the chaotic imagination behind a wide variety of writings, from Star Trek short stories to quirky fantasy, from humor-laden tales to dark, shadowy noir, the kind of imagination that resulted in nightmares when she was small, “stage plays” when she was a teeny bopper (does anyone know what that is?), angst-filled poetry in her teens, and short stories and novels when she finally realized that same imagination could actually prove useful. Modern “country/western” comes to life under the pen name Jonesey Carlson and dark fantasy/noir under the pen name Lisa Gaines.

While the stage plays and poetry have long since dissolved into the ashes of history, the stories and novels can be found among the pages that follow with new material evolving daily. Enjoy and may the thrill of reading illuminate your darkest corners!

Coming Soon!